Health Exchange Pledge

It's time to drop that chocolate bar, get up out of bed and do something active.

What are you going to exchange for a healthier and happier life?

Take the Health Exchange Pledge by emailing us at
In the Subject Line Type: My Health Exchange Pledge
And let us know what great and powerful things you're doing to living a happy and healthy life.

Our goal is for 500 people to make their health exchange pledge. Things become reality once your declare it into existence. Make your pledge today and see what opens up for you. And if you need support along the way and some accountability to keep you going, we're always just an email away.

See what The Health Hitch team is pledging:

"I'm pledging to exchange one hour of sleep for one hour of exercise three times a week. To do this, I will wake up an hour earlier at 6 a.m.and do a cardio workout." - K.Presto, co-founder of The Health Hitch

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